PSL Upcoming Events

A sampling of PSL's upcoming collaborations and events.

Watch the PSL digest and social channels for details and registration information.

Welcome Wagons

Monthly networking / monthly sell-out with ~100 attendees - First Wednesday of each month

Ceiling Smashers

Monthly leadership development and networking for women and non-binary founders, entrepreneurs, intrapreneurs, and individuals looking to ascend to the C-suite

Social4M collaboration

Quarterly talks and networking in collaboration with an exclusive organization of sports and entertainment entrepreneurs

Fitler Club Entrepreneurial Education Programming

Monthly programming provided to Fitler Club members and invitees  

Startup World Club Pitch Competition Regionals

Summer/Fall 2024 PitcHER Competition Collaboration

Co-managing the pitch competition for the world’s largest women in tech conference, the Grace Hopper Celebration - April - October 2024

Philadelphia Global Entrepreneurship Week

Management and coordination of programming for Philadelphia’s edition of GEW - November 2024

Founder Factory

PSL’s annual entrepreneurship and innovation conference - November 2024

PSL Holiday Party

December 2024

Philly Financial Scholars collaboration

Providing entrepreneurship curriculum and co-managing the pitch competition for a financial literacy non-profit - Winter 2024/2025 and Spring 2025

Early Stage East / Early Stage Summit

Spring 2025