Recap: Philly Tech Week Presents Introduced|Virtual

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Philly Tech Week kicked off 2020 programming with Introduced|Virtual, a day-long series of discussions on current trends and how to make it through these uncertain times of COVID-19. We dropped into a few sessions throughout the day and received a lot of good advice to share with our community. Check out our main takeaways from some of the sessions and learn how you can apply them to your company!


We started the day by joining in on the 9 AM session, "An Economic Outlook for Growth Companies." The session focused on how much growth companies should change with the 'new normal,' moderated by Julie Zeglen with guest speakers:

  • Mike Vaughan, fmr. Venmo COO and current EIR at Oak HC/FT

  • Rick Nucci, Co-Founder and CEO, Guru

  • Rakia Reynolds, Founder and CEO, Skai Blue Media

The discussion covered how to adapt business growth plans, and what aspects of the business to prioritize now versus in the long run. We also received advice to value current relationships and customers by helping them during these times.

Key Takeaways

Sharpen Focus: find top 1-2 priorities and focus deeper on the core goodness of those tasks; and be ok with delaying some other initiatives.
- Michael Vaughan, formerly Venmo

Maintain an optimistic mindset: take this time to learn how to take something challenging and tragic and turn it into a positive mindset... ask your self and your teams, 'how can you be different and valuable right now?'
- Rick Nucci, Guru

Ask over ads: small businesses should maintain the value of what you have right now and identify how you can add absolute value; also look at how you are going to add value after this and do not monetize off of this moment. 
- Rakia Reynolds, Skai Blue Media


The "How has COVID-19 Change Early-Stage Entrepreneurs?" mid-day session covered how some of the newest companies are adapting to the changing times. Michelai Graham moderated the session with guest speakers:

  • Matt Gillis, CEO,

  • Dipanwita Das, Founder and CEO, Sorcero

  • Yossi Levi, Co-Founder and CEO, Gettacar

  • Ajit Mathew George, Founder, Second Chances Farm

  • Sandeep Konam, Co-Founder and CTO, Abridge AI

It was unanimous that staying connected with employees and enhancing communication and transparency is integral to keeping the team's morale in the right place. We also heard insight into how some have had to change their business model and marketing strategies to meet the needs of their customers.

Key Takeaways

"Very important to build trust that will build morale" - stay connected all the time.
- Sandeep Konam, Abridge AI

"It's ok not to know or have all the answers," stay communicating to keep morale up, explain developments.
- Yossi Levi, Gettacar

"Is this a permanent change? How do we do it right? Thinking through the challenges and dedicating time to creating this new outlet to be a part of the business model."
- Ajit Mathew George, Second Chances Farm

"Double-down on expanding current customers instead of new leads - focus on customer success." Look to go back to the pipeline of customers impacted by COVID and reach out to see how you can help them now.
- Dipanwita Das, Sorcero

"Use an empathetic lens when marketing, don't be tone-deaf. How do we lean in and help?"
- Matt Gillis,

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The last session of the day, "Tell Your Hometown's Innovation Story" gave us insight into how cities are telling their entrepreneurial stories. Moderator Julie Zeglen was joined by guest speakers:

  • Archna Sahay, President, Sahay Consulting

  • Lakshmi Shenoy, CEO, Embarc Collective

  • Deon Gordon, CEO and President, Tech Birmingham

  • Sean Luther, Executive Director, InnovatePGH

When you think about where entrepreneurs grow, small cities are often overlooked…but often times they offer the best space to make a more immediate impact on the community. These communities then get to position their narrative to the world to draw in talent and to work together and support the talent in their own backyard.

Key Takeaways

"Smaller high-energy cities with younger leaders get to have an immediate impact. Come here and build with us."
- Sean Luther, InnovatePGH (Pittsburgh)

"Try to find where there are moments for collaboration - don't duplicate what's been done to avoid doing more work."
- Lakshmi Shenoy, Embarc Collective (Tampa)

Prioritize thinking to address the problem to create solutions - "Build it here, solve it here, then scale it to other communities."
- Archna Sahay, Sahay Consulting (Milwaukee)

"People closest to the problem are closest to the solutions. Recognize talents in your own backyard then see what that looks like globally." There are a lot of skills to acquire to operate in the new normal.
- Deon Gordon, Tech Birmingham (Birmingham)

Thank you and Philly Tech Week for providing such a great resource. We are all looking forward to Philly Tech Week in September! To learn more and to watch other sessions from the day, check out’s Introduced|Virtual Playlist.