Your brand’s first impression is vital to securing funding, attracting an audience, and building a brand that has a lasting impact. Now more than ever that first impression comes from the story you tell through your online presence, beginning with your website.
LIFT Labs’ Female Founders & Funders and The Gotham Film & Media Institute’s Womxn Owning It are joining forces for a fantastic program with founder and entrepreneur Kendra Bracken-Ferguson. Kendra will discuss her experience building online brand presence through her recently launched health and wellness brand rē•spin (with Halle Berry!) and her agency BrainTrust. She will also share specific tools and tactics to put together the best mission statement, about page, and core values to ensure your brand story is clear and compelling from the start. You will walk away with an understanding of how to set yourself up for success by best telling the story of your brand on your website.