GET INVOLVED: Volunteer Opportunities at Philly Startup Leaders

We’ve said it before, and we’ll say it again: PSL was born as a volunteer-led organization, and it is that same spirit that continues in the ecosystem today, despite the growth and iterations over the years.

Since the pandemic began in 2020, we have had so many people offer their time and resources to assist us. We realize that everyone has a different level of interest, skill set, and amount of time they are able to dedicate.

Here are a few ways that you can support Philly Startup Leaders as a volunteer:

  • Young Friends Initiative: We are launching a Young Friends of Innovation initiative in Q2 of this year, and are looking for volunteers to serve on this committee. YFI members will be a subcommittee of our Board of Directors, focusing on actionable items throughout the year as it relates to PSL programming, events and initiatives. The committee will meet both in person and virtually.

  • Welcome Wagon Community Lead: As our monthly Welcome Wagon events have become more popular each month, we realize there is an opportunity to expand their footprint. We are looking for Community Leads in neighborhoods all over the city who have relationships with co-working spaces, coffee shops, and restaurants/bars. They know and love Philadelphia and are eager to show it off to newcomers, and love to network and connect people. These are in person opportunities.

  • Community Liaison: These roles will provide support to our digital communities, including PSL Slack and PSL Connect. For this role, we are looking for individuals who are passionate about the Philly Startup Leaders community and mission and can dedicate 2.5-5 hours per week on an assigned community channel. This is a remote position with preference for those based in, or with ties to, Philadelphia.

  • Onsite Event Coordinators: If you are a college student looking to gain experience in the world of event management; a budding entrepreneur looking to find community; or a seasoned professional looking to lend a hand, we are looking for onsite volunteers to help execute the 2022 Entrepreneur Expo and more. We are currently onboarding for in person opportunities, but welcome volunteers for virtual events as well.

NOTE: All in-person roles require volunteers to be fully vaccinated.

Philly Startup Leaders